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How to install:
When download is completed, click 'Run' to begin installation. Follow the prompts. To install invoiceit!Lite later, use 'My Computer' to locate your download folder, then double-click the name of the file you just downloaded. A trial will last 30 days and then expire. Or you can purchase the license now - it isn't expensive and you can get started right away..

How to write an invoice

The principle of invoiceit!Lite is simple: type everything just once then, if you need it again, pick it from a list. The longer you use invoiceit! the faster it gets to write an invoice.

To get started, click on Setup menu and set your preferences. Next you need some customers - click on Clients menu to add them, or add them on the fly.

And you need some items to charge. With invoiceit!Lite you can simply type what you are charging then add a quantity and unit price. However, you can save regular charge items for quick use later. Click on Products/Charges menu and add your products or services there.

You can start writing invoices now. Click the Invoices menu, hit the NEW button at top right, select a customer, add some charge items and you're done.