If you find accounting too difficult or too boring, we have the solution. It’s called Simple Accounting and it couldn’t be easier to use. Use this very simple spreadsheet package to record your income and expenses without needing to know anything about accounting. On this spreadsheet you list every financial business transaction that has actually taken place & bills you paid, things you were charged for and money you received. Along the way you add a date on which each happened, a little bit of information so you can find this later and, of course, the amounts paid or received. Most of it is done by picking from dropdown lists, so there's very little typing. The spreadsheet does all the summarizing and analyzing for you and suddenly you are getting really clued up on your business finances. Plus, it's password protected to keep your finances confidential. Yes, even accounting dummies can do this.
Despite its simplicity, there are a number of features that make this application better than just an ordinary spreadsheet. The first of these is automatic analyses of your income and expenses. It will summarize these by category, by month, by quarter and for the whole year. This means you can see at a glance if you made a profit in any month or quarter or for the entire year. All this without any further input from you. Simply click on the Summary page and there it is.
It can also figure out your tax liability (tax you collect from customers on behalf of the taxman) and show separately the tax you paid on your purchases. Just follow the easy instructions in the manual.
There’s one more interesting automatic feature - the customer sales analyses and vendor purchase analyses. The application will automatically show what each customer has bought from you year-to-date, and what you have bought from each of your vendors for the same period. All that is required is that you enter their names on a lookup list. Then, when you enter transactions, you just pick your customer or vendor from a dropdown that is based on that list.
We’ve even added a cash flow page where you can forecast what your income and expenditure is likely to be in the next few months to see if you're making enough to pay the bills.
The secrets to keeping good accounting records:
Now even you can do your accounts very simply. When you’re ready to visit your accountant, put a copy of this spreadsheet on a memory stick and take it with you. Accounting? Done!
Buy your copy now for only $29.95 (NZD), plus shipping - you receive a download link and password to make accounting easy as.