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Invoiceit! in America

Used in all 50 US states and DC

Designed for American conditions proudly sold in the USA since 2001

  • Apply up to three regional sales taxes automatically by client, product or service
  • New York (and other states where county tax is applied): when ordering, select US County Tax option. It allows near automatic application of tax by county and gives you reports of taxes charged, or taxes collected, by county and other tax administrations. This option is currently not enabled in the trial version. Click here for an overview.
  • Manual tax entry override - for those special circumstances
  • Receipts are automatically entered in Accounting with sales taxes split to their respective ledgers
  • Enter your own invoice header text or translate to another language - if you supply to Spanish-speaking markets this may be advantageous to your business
  • Traducir al español para las etiquetas de documentos
invoiceit is used across the United States since 2001 in...
The West The Mid-West The South The North-East
Alaska North Dakota Texas Maine
Alaska North Dakota Texas Maine
Hawaii South Dakota Oklahoma New Hampshire
Washington Nebraska Arkansas Vermont
Oregon Kansas Louisiana Massachusetts
Idaho Minnesota Mississippi Rhode Island
Montana Iowa Alabama Connecticut
Wyoming Missouri Georgia New York
California Wisconsin Florida New Jersey
Nevada Michigan Tennessee Pennsylvania
Utah Illinois Kentucky Maryland
Colorado Indiana West Virginia Delaware
Arizona Ohio Virginia also in:
New Mexico   North Carolina D.C.
    South Carolina Puerto Rico
      U.S. Virgin Is.