Our software is try-before-you-buy. You can download invoiceit here and try it free without restrictions for 30 days. Write to us if you need more time. We are happy to extend the trial period for another month.
This is our guarantee to you. Once you purchase, we assume you have tested the software and are happy with its performance. This is why we do not accept returns or give refunds.
When you install the program, you digitally sign the licensing agreement, which contains this clause: "because the Software is supplied on a try-before-you-buy basis we do not give refunds. You have 30 days to try the Software and your decision to purchase a license signifies acceptance of this policy."
A copy of this agreement gets installed on your computer as a file called 'invPro EULA.txt'.
If you don't want the software anymore, you are welcome to sell your license to someone else or let us know how we can help to make the program work for you. We have always responded quickly and comprehensively to users' needs.
Invoiceit has four levels of help available in the program:
1) Getting started guide (from Setup menu) - a brief overview and some tips on what to do first
2) SpeedHelp - click blue i button at top left. It is an effective way to get quick answers on over 400 tasks and is searchable.
3) Major help file with over 200 topics - press F1 on keyboard or click help button at top left of each screen - this gets you very detailed help relating to the page from which you clicked. It is searchable by keyword.
4) If you really can't find the answers, contact us for e-mail support. Click on Setup menu, then click the Help button at upper left. An e-mail opens - ask your questions, or write to info@invoiceit.com.