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The spreadsheet has these tabs at the bottom - 12 monthly worksheets, a summary page, some setup pages and cash flow.
On these monthly transaction pages you record your income and expenses for each month.
For each transaction you enter details in the green section - date of transaction, pick a ledger from the list, and enter some optional details in the third column.
For payments to vendors, you use the red columns - pick a vendor from the list, enter a check number if that's how you paid and enter the total amount paid. Tax paid is automatically extracted, but can be edited manually.
For payments received from clients, you use the blue columns - pick a client from the list, if payment was for an invoice, enter the invoice number, then enter the total received. Tax received is automatically extracted, but can be edited manually.
You can also enter other income, like interest, dividends and the like.
This your income and expenditure summary by category (ledger), by month, by quarter and for the entire year.
It also shows the tax you collected and paid. Every time you select one of these ledgers on your monthly transaction pages, the amount paid or received is automatically added to this summary page.
This page is fully automatic - you don't need to do anything to keep it up-to-date. It gets all its data from the monthly pages.
Client list and automatic sales summary - add all your clients here, anyone who buys from you or pays you.
A "miscellaneous" client is included for casual sales and cash sales.
Easily add more client names and contact details. Every time you select one of these clients on your monthly transaction pages, the amount they paid you is automatically added to their sales total.
Vendor list and automatic purchase summary - add all your vendors here, anyone from whom you purchase goods or services and those who charge you for services.
A "miscellaneous" vendor is included for casual purchases.
Easily add more vendor names and contact details. Every time you select one of these vendors on your monthly transaction pages, the amount you paid is automatically added to their purchase total.
Setting up your ledgers. These are the categories which you spend your company's money on, and the types of income you have.